- Gauke
- China
- 6-7 saptamani
- 10000000
Animalele de companie sunt active și pot întâlni cu ușurință situații în care pot suferi o rănire sau alte traume. Indiferent dacă sunteți acasă, pe drum, în drumeții sau la plimbare, pregătiți-vă cu trusa de prim ajutor pentru animalele de companie.
Trusa de prim ajutor pentru animalele de companie vă poate ajuta cu rănile animalelor de companie până când puteți consulta beneficiul sau mergeți la spitalul veterinar. Trusa de prim ajutor pentru animalele de companie include deja materiale de bază de prim ajutor, cum ar fi tencuială asortată rezistentă la spălare, tampon de pregătire cu alcool, foarfece, ac de siguranță, bandaj etc. Trusa de prim ajutor pentru animale de companie pentru câine poate fi folosită și pentru pisici și alte animale.
Trusă de prim ajutor pentru animale roșie pentru câine
Red Pet First Aid Kit For Dog and Other Small Animals
More and more studies have shown that keeping pets is of great benefit to our physical and mental health. Having pets with them can help us reduce anxiety and stress. As more and more families start to keep pets, more and more Families have begun to pay attention to pet first aid knowledge. In order to manage the health of dogs every day, and considering the needs in the event of an accident, it is essential to prepare a set of pet first aid kits.
The pet first aid kit is prepared in advance with basic medical supplies to help pets clean wounds, stop bleeding, bandage, etc. Pet owners can also choose the following items according to the pet's characteristics:
Scissors to cut things off the fur and keep pets from getting tangled.
Safety pins to help secure the dressing.
Rolls of gauze, for bandaging, to help stop bleeding, and splints for splints.
Medical dressings, non-stick dressings for dressing wounds.
Tape, preferably white medical tape. Easy to tear off and keeps in good condition.
Latex or plastic examination gloves, for your protection and your pet's protection, in times of confusion.
Thermometers, learn about normals for dog and cat vital signs and how to use a thermometer.
Ice and heat compresses, to cool the skin after a burn, and to keep the animal warm if hypothermia is present. Always use a cloth between the pack and the skin, and check frequently for redness or irritation.
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